
If you want to share a piece of news to all WFS members and web surfers (publication of a compact disk, a book, event, concert, etc.) do not hesitate to let us know by email at


20 March 2020

One of our members, Jean-Luc Tardivat, who is always on the qui vive, noticed this Deutsche Grammophon announcement, copied by the excellent site “Furtwaengler Journal”.

The yellow label is releasing a box-set devoted to the Staatskapelle of Berlin for its 450th anniversary, in other words the Orchestra of the National Opera playing in concert formation. Furtwängler was its conductor before succeeding Nikisch at the BPO.

In order to conjure up Furtwängler’s presence with the Staatskapelle, DG included in its box-set programme the Tristan of October 1947. As is well known, the first act is missing, and our association released a double CD with acts II and III (it can indeed be found on the site mentioned at the head of this article). DG excelled itself by including ONLY act II. Why?

Our double album is still available in our catalogue. Don’t hesitate!

Rehearsal of Tristan in October 1947. On the left: Gottlob Frick (King Marke)

18 March 2020

You have not received the CD you ordered from the SWF? This is—if not normal—at least logical.

Everyone will have understood that during this period of confinement, it has not been possible for us to ensure the delivery of your discs or books.

This is an extra reason for thinking of downloading: the coronavirus is not yet attacking internet traffic…

We are grateful for your understanding and urge you to take care!

13 March 2020

Everyone knows it! Wilhelm Furtwängler began his American career in January 1925, on Saturday 3 to be precise, this being the start of three successive seasons during which, at the head of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra (NYPO), he shared the spotlight with Willem Mengelberg, and then also, from 1926, with Arturo Toscanini.

What we discover from the archives of the New York Philharmonic is that Furtwängler almost appeared at the head of the orchestra as early as January 1924. This anticipated yet missed opportunity emerges from the correspondence preserved in these archives, records that are just as much the reflection of a certain way of doing things at a particular period. Another time…

We have translated these letters. On the other hand, our Anglophone friends, owing to matters of reproduction rights, will have to consult the facsimiles present on the website of the NYPO archives.

Here is this short survey.

9 March 2020

The programme whose facsimile we present today is that for the Berlin Philharmonic concerts of 3-5 April 1938.

Nothing extraordinary: an "all Beethoven" event — except for a few details which you can discover by looking inside.

28 February 2020

Furtwängler’s operatic repertory is sometimes incorrectly understood, notably because we always have in mind what recordings he was able to bequeath to us.

The brief study to be discovered (for members) has but a single ambition: establish the list of the operas conducted by Furtwängler.

23 February 2020

Though Furtwängler and his Berliners appeared, in Paris, at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées and later at the Opéra Garnier — prestige demanded no less —, the Salle Pleyel, inaugurated in 1927, welcomed them twice, for their first appearance in the French capital in 1928 and above all for the concert that marked one of the German musical contributions to the Exhibition of 1937, on September 7.

Here is a rare witness to this evening. Furtwängler acknowledges the public, with at his left Bruno Kittel, chorus master, and he is then himself hailed by the French President, Albert Lebrun.

17 February 2020

Last July we announced the release of the Furtwängler/DG box-set, which included all the recordings produced by the group over the previous decades, not forgetting the Polydor of pre-war days, Decca, and also the radio recordings (Berlin, Cairo, Vienna, etc.) all released for many years with the yellow label.

This meant therefore the duplication of some recordings of the Berliner Philharmoniker (1939-1945 archives).

We should rejoice in such an accumulation, yet, alas, DG was content merely to make compilations of the earlier various releases, without undertaking the real editorial work of remastering. What appeared to be welcome some thirty of forty years ago is no longer to be regarded as such in view of current practice.

This is a pity: a missed opportunity. There remains the practicality that at least we have everything at an advantageous price.

Let us hope that Warner will be able to draw the logical conclusion if the group is to be gracious enough to offer us a complete collection!

Here is the link to the comprehensive article of Maciej Chizynski on the site Resmusica

5 February 2020

The holder of this ticket attended a concert which remained somewhat overlooked during Furtwängler's career.

At the end of December 1950, Furtwängler directed a series of three Beethoven Ninths in Berlin, which have faded from memory, probably because they were not recorded — eight others were taped between 1947 and 1954!

For the researcher, it presents several curious details:
– these were the only Ninths given in the Titania-Palast; no doubt it was necessary to enlarge the stage, where the orchestra alone was already cramped,
– it was one of the few times that Furtwängler engaged the choir of St Hedwig’s Cathedral,
– and it was the only time he conducted the wonderful soprano Elfriede Trötschel, who sadly died, still young, only a few years later.

To ensure it of a place of distinction in our archives, here is the facsimile.

6 November 2019

Furtwängler "in a concert", we know that well enough! Just think of it, he conducted more than 3000! However, as for Furtwängler "at a concert", in other words attending a concert, we have in fact very few records.

Here is a visual document: a private concert in Berlin in 1936, at which Maria Reining gave a recital of lieder by Brahms.

After a conversation with his friend André François-Poncet, the French ambassador in Berlin, Furtwängler was able to settle down comfortably in order to appreciate the singer’s artistry from amongst the audience for once.

31 October 2019

So the 19th was a great day, marked as it was by the 50th anniversary of the SWF.

We shall talk about the General Assembly at some future date, presenting to you a copy of the report.

This 50th anniversary was the occasion for an exceptional concert, one that will without question remain etched in the memories of those who were present for a very long time. The Varian Fry Quartet, who made their debut in France on this occasion, proved itself to be of the very highest quality. ​At the request of the musicians, the programme order was modified: Schubert – Beethoven – Ravel. The breadth of tone, the precision of the tuning, the masterly readings of the scores, the total investment of the players received particular praise.

As announced in the programme (reproduced on the 'Concerts’ page), the concert was also recorded, and this should become available for streaming by members before the end of the year.


26 October 2019

Wait a minute! Don’t imagine Furtwängler in a jogging suit padding around the Bois de Vincennes. Simply put, in the company of a few officials he took part in a ceremony before a monument surrounded by mystery and totally unknown to the people of Vincennes and their Parisian neighbours.

If you want to know more about this unusual story…



21 October 2019

The first lecture of the season — see this page for details — will be devoted to an orchestra dear among all others to the ears of Furtwänglerians: the Philharmonia of London, the orchestra of the 1952 Tristan.

This will also be an opportunity to listen once more to our favourite lecturer, Sami Habra.

This Wednesday 23 October at 8pm.

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