Month: December 2020
Dear members,
Due to the sanitary measures in France, we had to cancel our Extraordinary General Meeting of November 14. We were able to set a new date. This will take place on January 16, 2021.
An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held:
On Saturday, 16 January 2021 at 16:00
Paroisse St Pierre
Salle Sainte-Élisabeth
90bis, avenue du Roule
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
It will aim to:
1) Submit to you new statute (here attached, in French).
2) If approved, to elect a new governing body for the SWF.
You may have questions about the need for a change of statute.
Here I answer, as president. It has been observed that a double governing body, Comité Directeur + Bureau, has shown its limits. The new statute, among other matters, aims to establish one single governing with few members.
Furthermore, during the EGM, we will have a conversation about what members think about it.
If you cannot attend the EGM on January 16, please let us know and give a proxy to any member of the SWF to express your opinion on your behalf.
To attend the EGM or give a proxy, it is mandatory to be up to date with your subscription.
While waiting to see you again, I wish you happy holidays by also making wishes that the new year will put an end to this difficult period.
With kind regards,
Félix Matus-Echaiz
President of the SWF
Dear members,
We present to you the latest CD published by our friends from the Wilhelm Furtwängler Center in Japan.
In the coming days, you will be able to read the column that our friend and member Daniel Cordova will devote to him.
This record can be bought in our online shop at a price of 17€ (for members only).