
If you want to share a piece of news to all WFS members and web surfers (publication of a compact disk, a book, event, concert, etc.) do not hesitate to let us know by email at
1 October 2022

More than twenty-five years ago, Michel Chauvy wrote a study on “Furtwängler and Switzerland” for the SWF, published as a “newsletter”.

The text of his study is still as good as new. It is rich in information and the comments on some of Furtwängler’s performances — one thinks of the rehearsal of the 7th Symphony or Beethoven’s First Concerto — are of a rare relevance.

Although the original “paper” brochure was quite attractive, the PDF available to members on the previous website had become outdated and not particularly inviting to read. We therefore thought it best to give it a new layout, by re-editing the text in the same design as the other studies, adding footnotes, and illustrating it with a dozen or so photographs, some of them unpublished or rare.

For the first time, the study is published in both French and English, thus bringing this essential document to a wider audience.

In addition, one of our Swiss members, Christophe Lambinet, wrote a “complement”, shedding new light on Furtwängler’s “Swiss” discography.

To discover these studies, click on the images below.


25 September 2022

Furtwängler conducted only one concert in Warsaw. It was on January 22, 1936, with the BPO, in the beautiful Philharmonic Hall.

This concert did not go unnoticed, with the patronage of two Polish government ministers and the German ambassador.

Here is the programme — in an uncommon format —which was attached to the concert, we were able to correct the content.

29 August 2022

The Wilhelm Furtwängler Centre of Japan announces two new releases.
Informations and orders only with the WF Centre of Japan :

14 July 2022

We recently uploaded the 40th programme —  we mean the 40th PDF file of a printed booklet accompanying a concert. And we have some more in store, which will be published in the future.

Through publications on specialized sites or — notably online — sales, we have also been able to recover many ‘programme pages’, we mean the page — and only this page — of the original programme with the details of the concert, or a flyer. Our site already had quite a few (almost 150!). We add about twenty more today — details below:

BPO 31/10/1921 — BPO 12/12/1921 — Gewandhaus 6/03/1923 — BPO 16/03/1928 — BPO 10/03/1931 — BPO 30/03/1931 — BPO 14/04/1934 — BPO 11/12/1938 — VPO 23/11/1941 — VPO 29/03/1942 — VPO 7/11/1943 — VPO 19/12/1943 — Hamburg 9/06/1947 — VPO 29/11/1947 — BPO 8/06/1950 — BPO 12/06/1950 — VPO 17/09/1950 — Salzburg 7/08/1951 — Salzburg 19/08/1951 — BPO 6/05/1952 — BPO 18/01/1953

We wish you happy holidays. See you again at the end of August.

7 July 2022

In 1942, the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra is sixty years old. In the midst of WW2, it is obviously unthinkable that the event could be celebrated as the fiftieth anniversary had been.

At least the orchestra publishes a small brochure at the return from the summer holidays; very interesting with hindsight, as its writing reflects the highlights and taboos of the moment.

Click here to read this brochure.

This eighty-year-old document had been acquired at the time by Marie-Luise Lüdeling, music teacher in Berlin-Lichterfelde. Thank you, Madam.

23 June 2022

A few days after recording Bruckner’s Ninth with his Berlin Philharmonic for a “Magnetofonkonzert” — a disc that became famous — Furtwängler conducts this symphony for the last time in the grandiose setting of the abbey of Saint Florian. A small study evokes this musical event.

30 May 2022

Concerts of December 7-8, 1952

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony – 1937

Informations and orders only with the Japanese WF Society :

30 May 2022

On Saturday May 21, 2022, members of the Board and members of the SWF met informally to discuss the the conclusions of the consultation of the members of the SWF.

Although few in number (17 answers, approximately 7% of the members), the answers received were very interesting.

The six main themes that emerged from the survey are:

1. Conferences

Conferences is a strong request. The 2022-2023 season is therefore to be prepared, with 5 or 6 evenings. If you would like to host one, do not hesitate to contact us.

Desired topics are: WF and Berlioz, WF opera conductor, WF accompanist. Georges Zeisel proposes a conference on WF and the violinist Bronislaw Huberman. Christian Lemaire proposes an evening around Lauritz Melchior.

A relocation of the conferences in the provinces is requested by members but to do this, it would be necessary that, on the spot, someone manages the logistics: finding the room, advertising, etc.

A broadcast by Zoom (or other) of the conferences could be considered. The problem of sound quality and other technical aspects remains to be seen. One of our members could help us on these subjects.

2. SWF Editorial Policy

The download policy is not called into question. However, on-demand engravings should be made possible.

Exceptional CD editions could be considered, in a richly documented and illustrated edition (Ex: Wagner in London in the 1930s). Such a project requires economic viability. A subscription is therefore necessary, which could be done in collaboration with the other WF societies.

The downloading of our exhausted references will go on.

A project to put a French music program online is proposed. Debussy : Nuages, Fêtes / Ravel : Rhapsodie Espagnole. 

3. Collaborations with other associations (outside Furtwängler societies)

Some members wish to collaborate with the Richard Wagner Society or the Beethoven Society, for example. It would be necessary to see in what framework these collaborations could be made.

4. General Assemblies

The possibility of a retransmission of our GA via Zoom (or other) has been requested by members. The technical aspect (large screen, etc.) is to be considered. One of our members offers to give the SWF an overhead projector.

5. How to attract a younger audience?

Important subject but not easy to answer. Are young people interested in the CD or the download? Could a Facebook (or other) page be a lead?

6. Organization of concerts with works by Furtwängler

One of our members told us about the violinist Jean-Luc Richardoz who particularly likes WF sonatas. In which context to organize a concert? For the next ordinary general meeting? Beforehand, we will contact Mr. Richardoz.

Next ordinary general meeting

It will take place on Saturday November 26, 2022.

The members present expressed their satisfaction with this informal meeting.

29 April 2022

The SWF is reviving what had become its custom, though latterly somewhat neglected: a download of a concert programme in pdf.

We resume this practice on a grand scale, presenting not a programme of a single concert, but that of a festival in which Furtwängler played the major part: the festivities in Vienna marking the centenary of the birth of Brahms. Organized jointly by the Brahms Society (Germany) and the Society of Friends of Music (Austria), under the aegis of the presidents of the two states, its impact was felt far beyond its Viennese context. And also for political reasons: some of the artists presented could no longer appear on a Reich poster, and many commentators did not hesitate to compare this celebration to those presented in Germany.

To download the programme

5 April 2022

Dear members,

Some time ago, you responded to tour consultation with SWF members. Be thanked for it.

Circumstances have forced us to delay the feedback to your answers. We would like to meet with you on Saturday May 21, 2022 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

In order to plan this meeting properly (size of the room to be rented), could you tell us if you will be able to attend this meeting?

We are waiting for your answers until April 15.

The Executive Board

27 November 2021

Dear members,

The Wilhelm Furtwängler Gesellschaft (WFG) proposes a 30% reduction on its catalog. We present it to you. The SWF here only promotes these products.

All orders and inquiries should be addressed to

This operation is valid until January 31, 2022.

Title Reference New price
Furtwängler dirigiert seine Zweite Symphonie

Gluck: Ouvertüre zu Iphigenie in Aulis
Furtwängler: Symphonie Nr.2 e-Moll (Frankfurt 1952)
Sinfonie-Orchester des Hessischen Rundfunks

2 CDs
TMK 200601921
12 €
Festkonzert zum 70-jährigen Bestehen der Berliner
Philharmoniker (10.2.1952)
Beethoven: Große Fuge op.133
Honegger: Mouvement symphonique Nr. 3
Schubert: Symphonie h-Moll
Brahms: Symphonie Nr.1 c-Moll op.68 u.a.
2 CDs
TMK 2006020
12 €
Furtwängler in Wien 1944

Beethoven: Symphonie Nr. 3 Es-Dur, Leonoren-Ouvertüre Nr. 3
Schubert: Zwischenaktmusik Nr. 2 aus Rosamunde
Bruckner: Symphonie Nr. 8 c-Moll
Wiener Philharmoniker

2 CDs
TMK 200406151
12 €
W. Furtwängler dirigiert Mozart in Salzburg und Wien 1944 – 1952

Ouvertüre Die Zauberflöte, Klavierkonzert Nr. 22 Es-Dur KV 482
(Paul Badura-Skoda), Symphonie Nr. 40 g-Moll KV 550
Wiener Philharmoniker

1 CD
TMK 200406152
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Dirigent und Komponist

Beethoven, Symphonie Nr. 1 C-Dur
Furtwängler: Symphonie Nr. 3 cis-Moll (Sätze 1-3)
Berliner Philharmoniker W. Furtwängler, J. Keilberth

1 CD
TMK 017198
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Aus Konzerten in Berlin 1942 – 1944

Beethoven: Ouvertüre Coriolan; Ravel: 2. Suite aus Daphnis et Chloé
Schubert: Symphonie Nr. 8 C-Dur
Berliner Philharmoniker

1 CD
TMK 017204
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Konzert vom 3. 2. 1952 in Wien

Beethoven: Symphonie Nr. 9 d-Moll
Hilde Güden, Rosette Anday, Julius Patzak, Alfred Poell
Wiener Singakademie, Wiener Philharmoniker

1 CD
TMK 002038
7 €
W. Furtwängler in Salzburg 1950

Bach: Brandenburgische Konzerte Nr. 3 G-Dur und Nr. 5 D-Dur Strawinsky: Symphonie in drei Sätzen
Wiener Philharmoniker

1 CD
TMK 102196
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Aus Konzerten in Berlin 1948 und 1949

Bach: Orchestersuite Nr. 3 D-Dur; Schubert: Symphonie h-Moll;
Fortner: Konzert für Violine und großes Kammerorchester
Gerhard Taschner, Berliner Philharmoniker

1 CD
TMK 012681
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Aus Opern und Konzerten in Wien und Salzburg
Beethoven: Ouvertüre Fidelio, Leonoren-Ouvertüre Nr. 3
Pfitzner: Symphonie C-Dur; Gluck: Ouvertüre Iphigenie in Aulis
Weber: Ouvertüre Der Freischütz + Ausschnitte aus Vorträgen
Wiener Philharmoniker
1 CD
TMK 10670
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Aus den Konzerten in Berlin 1947

Beethoven: Symphonien Nr. 6 F-Dur und Nr. 5 c-Moll
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Ouvertüre Ein Sommernachtstraum
Beethoven: Violinkonzert D-Dur (Yehudi Menuhin)
Berliner Philharmoniker

2 CDs
TMK 008080

12 €

W. Furtwängler – Aus Konzerten in Berlin 1951 – 1953

Gluck: Ouvertüre zu Alceste; Honegger: Mouvement symphonique 3
Brahms: Symphonie Nr. 1 c-Moll
Berliner Philharmoniker

1 CD
TMK 005294
7 €
W. Furtwängler – Konzert vom 15. März 1949 in Berlin

Bruckner: Symphonie Nr. 8 c-Moll
Berliner Philharmoniker

1 CD
MMS 9103
7 €
Bruckner: Symphonie Nr. 5 B-Dur (1942)

Berliner Philharmoniker

1 CD
WFG 2011-1
7 €
Beethovens Neunte Symphonie (Bayreuth 29. Juli 1951)

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth Höngen,
Hans Hopf, Otto Edelmann
Chor und Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele

1 CD
WFHC 013
10 €
Furtwängler: Symphonie Nr. 1 h-Moll

Staatskapelle Weimar, George Alexander Albrecht

2 CDs
12 €
Furtwängler: Symphonie Nr. 2 e-Moll

Staatskapelle Weimar, George Alexander Albrecht

2 CDs
12 €
Furtwängler: Symphonie Nr. 3 cis-Moll

Staatskapelle Weimar, George Alexander Albrecht

1 CD
7 €
Furtwängler: Symphonien Nr. 1, 2, 3

Staatskapelle Weimar, George Alexander Albrecht

5 CDs


25 €



23 November 2021

Dear members,

One of our members, Mr. Pascal Auffinger, sent us an article which appeared on the site of the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra in 2015. It refers to the concerts given by Furtwängler in Caracas.

The SWF contacted the site managers to request permission to translate and publish the text on our site. It was kindly given to us.

The SWF thanks the OSV and Mr. Pascal Auffinger.

The text presented here is an adaptation for our website. You will find the link to the original article at the end. This includes a recording of Don Juan.

“The Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra (OSV) celebrates 85 years of uninterrupted activity. A pioneer of the national symphonic movement, it is the result of the hard work of musicians who have struggled to give it continuity over time.

The Acoustic Shell of Bello Monte , known as José Angel Lamas Amphitheater , is related to the OSV since its creation and remains a fundamental place for culture and influence in the capital. In these lines, we want to remember the day it was inaugurated, March 19, 1954, under the regime of General Marcos Pérez Jiménez, with a concert of our institution under the direction, on the one hand, of the famous German conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler whose presence in Caracas was considered as an event in our country and, on the other hand, of our dear Vicente Emilio Sojo.

The first part of the program included works by José Angel Lamas and José Antonio Caro de Boesi under the direction of Vicente Emilio Sojo. The second, under the direction of WF, Handel’s Concerto Grosso op. 6 N°10, Richard Strauss’s Don Juan and, finally, Overture to Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner.

Master Furtwängler stayed a few days in Caracas. After the first concert, WF conducted a second on March 21 which was recorded. The program included: Handel’s Concerto Grosso op 6 N° 10, Don Juan by Richard Strauss and Brahms’s First Symphony. This live recording, which remains a treasure to this day, exhibits the inevitable imperfections and lack of balance between the instruments.”

Translation: Félix Matus-Echaiz and Thibaut Lily


Link to the original article (in Spanish): 

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