
If you want to share a piece of news to all WFS members and web surfers (publication of a compact disk, a book, event, concert, etc.) do not hesitate to let us know by email at
15 November 2021

Dear members,

The SWF has decided to launch a consultation with all of its members.

The purpose of this is to allow you to express yourself on your expectations, requests, wishes, so that the SWF reflects your aspirations.

To allow you to express yourself freely on all subjects, there is no precise questionnaire. You can write your text in French, English, Spanish, German, etc.

The deadline for sending your responses has been set for January 8, 2022. Once the responses received, they will be studied by the Executive Board which will make a summary and set an action plan that will be presented to you at a meeting that will take place between the end of January and the beginning of February.

While waiting to read and meet you, we wish you a happy end of year.

The Executive Board

PS: You can contact us by email:
or by mail:
Société Wilhelm Furtwängler
c / o Félix Matus-Echaiz
86, Impasse de Pissefontaine
78955 Carrières-sous-Poissy

November 15, 2021

4 June 2021

As announced earlier in the week, a new product is available for download: SWF D09, Bruckner’s Symphony No.4 , Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Wilhelm Furtwängler, recorded December 14-16, 1941.

1. Bewegt, nicht zu schnell
2. Andante quasi allegretto
3. Bewegt
4. Bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell

> Buy the digital pack D09 < (8 €)

This moving recording is brought to you thanks to the authorization of the Wilhelm Furtwängler Center of Japan and its President Masayuki Nakamura whom the SWF would like to thank.

This version is, unfortunately, truncated. The WFCJ has intelligently overcome this problem. The missing parts have been replaced by the recordings from 1951. It is therefore possible to listen to this symphony without interruption.

The digital pack contains two presentation texts written by Philippe Jacquard (Copyright website and Henning Smidth. The SWF would like to thank them for giving permission to publish these texts as a complement to Anton Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony .

21 March 2019

On 26 February we published — see the news — an article signed by Philippe Jacquard on the set of 22 SCADs issued by the Berliner Philharmoniker. Here is the translation of this article.

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