Solution to last week's riddle
The first correct answer has come from Thierry Salomon, a French member. A big bravo.
The solution: this photo was taken during a performance of Furtwängler’s Symphonic Concerto by Edwin Fischer and the Vienna Philharmonic, on 14 or 15 January 1939, at the Musikverein.
The clues, even if the photo is not top quality:
- the placement of the cellos (centre-left as seen by the conductor) corresponds to the standard pre-war layout,
- one can recognise the Leader, Franz Mairecker, at the first desk from the spring of 1938,
- it is possible, with an effort, to recognise Edwin Fischer at the piano.
After cross-referencing these clues with the concert listings for Vienna (very few piano concertos with the Philharmonic) only this Concerto by Furtwängler corresponds to the mystery photo.
We have placed this photo in an annexe of the concert record, and offer you, above, a series taken during the rehearsal. Edwin Fischer has his back towards the camera.