
If you want to share a piece of news to all WFS members and web surfers (publication of a compact disk, a book, event, concert, etc.) do not hesitate to let us know by email at
4 February 2018

The expression “surfing the web” is an image, but a very apt one. We have learned to navigate not just a wave but a real flood of information. At the same time the development of the internet has prompted many institutions to open their doors, indeed their cupboards and tape boxes, making a huge volume of material which they have progressively digitised available, if not to everyone then at least to a select few.

This has led us to make contact with these institutions, a step which until the last few years ago we would not have attempted. And we were wrong to hesitate, because in most cases the custodians of these treasures are delighted to be able to share their knowledge, provided that they are treated with respect and that we in turn raise awareness of their activities. In this spirit the SWF has established contacts with the Vienna Philharmonic, the Accademia Santa Cecilia in Rome, the Stockholm Konserthuset, the Philharmonia in London (with less success), and also the Brahms Institute in Lübeck, the Reger Institute in Karlsruhe, the societies dedicated to Frida Leider, Erna Schlüter and Eduard Erdmann, and most recently the Hindemith Institute in Frankfurt, to whom we are indebted for a valuable document, the Schott press kit which accompanied the concerts of 11 and 12 March 1934

It hardly matters whether these contacts bring us minor details or great historical insights; such exchanges are essential, making us aware of the activities of others with mutually enriching effects.

29 January 2018

In a previous statement, we were happy to announce the good results obtained during the first six months of our new website. However, the site was sorely missing an English version. It was no omission, but rather something that required more time than anticipated.

We are happy to announce that this English version will be made available during January, 2018.


The main functions of the website will be translated in a first stage, complete with headers and the latest news. We intend to complete it in due time with chosen studies, on a case by case basis.

However, we do not plan to translate the list of the concerts and the discography, which refer to quasi international standards—places, works, orchestras, etc.

Cette actualité s’adresse avant tout à nos amis anglophones. Nous annonçons pour courant janvier la version anglaise du site.

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