
If you want to share a piece of news to all WFS members and web surfers (publication of a compact disk, a book, event, concert, etc.) do not hesitate to let us know by email at
31 May 2021

Dear members,

In the next few days, we will be offering you an exceptional document for download: a recording of Anton Bruckner’s Fourth Symphony that Furtwängler conducted in 1941.

This moving recording is brought to you thanks to the authorization of the Wilhelm Furtwängler Center of Japan and its President Masayuki Nakamura whom the SWF would like to thank.

This version is, unfortunately, truncated. The WFCJ has intelligently overcome this problem. The missing parts have been replaced by the recordings from 1951. It is therefore possible to listen to this symphony without interruption.

We hope that this rare document will find a great resonance among you.

26 April 2021

Dear members, dear members,

We are pleased to present the last two productions of the Japanese WF Centre.



Seventh Symphony (January 1950) & Coriolan overture (November 1947) – Wiener Philarmoniker

Available in our shop.



Sixth Symphony (1938) – Berliner Philarmoniker & Sérénade (1950) (movements 2 and 4) – Wiener Philarmoniker

Available in our shop.

We can only praise the quality of the work of the WFCJ.

These CDs are available at a price of 17 € each.

11 January 2021

Dear members,

On January 16, our Extraordinary General Assembly was to take place. We learned on January 10 that, for health reasons, the room where it was to take place can no longer accommodate us.

The current situation does not allow us to have visibility. Fixing a new date for our EGM would be a more than uncertain gamble.

However, this should not prevent the SWF from moving forward. To do this, the Board has taken the decision to ask you to give your opinion by email or by post on the points that were on the agenda *:

1) Vote on the new statutes
2) Election of the Executive Board (new body of the SWF)

As indicated in the Agenda, the Executive Board will only be elected if the new statutes are approved. As a result, the vote you cast for this new body will only be taken into account if the new statutes are approved.

The end of this vote will be January 16 at 12 p.m. HF (postmark as proof).

To vote, please send your answers to the two questions here below,

  • either by email at
  • or by post/mail to 86, Impasse de Pissefontaine 78955 Carrières-sous-Poissy

1 / Do you approve the new statutes?
YES         NO

2 / Do you approve the candidate list?
YES         NO

Click here to download a paper version.

It goes without saying that the votes require a quorum for a GM to be held. We are aware that this is a special procedure, but so is the situation. We regret of course that this case of force majeure prevents us from meeting and discussing with each other.

We hope you will understand this choice.

The Steering Committee

* For details, please refer to this News (18 December 2020).

6 January 2021

Dear members,

A difficult year has just ended. While caution is in order, we can still hope that 2021 will be a renaissance.

Please therefore receive our best wishes for this New Year.

I take this opportunity to remind you that our EGM, except for new government instructions, will take place on January 16. If you can’t attend, please remember to send your proxy.

Musically yours,

Felix Matus-Echaiz

18 December 2020

Dear members,

Due to the sanitary measures in France, we had to cancel our Extraordinary General Meeting of November 14. We were able to set a new date. This will take place on January 16, 2021.

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held:

On Saturday, 16 January 2021 at 16:00

Paroisse St Pierre
Salle Sainte-Élisabeth
90bis, avenue du Roule
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

It will aim to:
1) Submit to you new statute (here attached, in French).
2) If approved, to elect a new governing body for the SWF.

You may have questions about the need for a change of statute.

Here I answer, as president. It has been observed that a double governing body, Comité Directeur + Bureau, has shown its limits. The new statute, among other matters, aims to establish one single governing with few members.

Furthermore, during the EGM, we will have a conversation about what members think about it.

If you cannot attend the EGM on January 16, please let us know and give a proxy to any member of the SWF to express your opinion on your behalf.

To attend the EGM or give a proxy, it is mandatory to be up to date with your subscription.

Please find here attached the invitation, the document to designate a proxy and the draft of the new statute (click here, documents in French).

While waiting to see you again, I wish you happy holidays by also making wishes that the new year will put an end to this difficult period.

With kind regards,

Félix Matus-Echaiz
President of the SWF

18 December 2020

Dear members,

We present to you the latest CD published by our friends from the Wilhelm Furtwängler Center in Japan.

In the coming days, you will be able to read the column that our friend and member Daniel Cordova will devote to him.

This record can be bought in our online shop at a price of 17€ (for members only).

30 October 2020

Dear members,

The announcement of a new lockdown forces us to postpone, sine die, our EGM.

We will tell to you in good time the new date.

While waiting for better days, may Wilhelm Furtwängler help you through this difficult period.

28 October 2020

Dear members,

An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on

Saturday, November 14th 2020 at 15:00

Paroisse St Pierre
Salle Sainte-Élisabeth
90bis, avenue du Roule
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

It will aim to:
1) Submit to you new statute (here attached, in French).
2) If approved, to elect a new governing body for the SWF.

You may have questions about the need for a change of statute.

Here I answer, as president. It has been observed that a double governing body, Comité Directeur + Bureau, has shown its limits. The new statute, among other matters, aims to establish one single governing with few members.

Furthermore, during the EGM, we will have a conversation about what members think about it.

If you cannot attend the EGM on November 14, please let us know and give a proxy to any member of the SWF to express your opinion on your behalf.

To attend the EGM or give a proxy, it is mandatory to be up to date with your subscription.

Please find here attached the invitation, the document to designate a proxy and the draft of the new statute (click here, documents in French).

With kind regards,

Félix Matus-Echaiz
President of the SWF

16 July 2020

Chères adhérentes, chers adhérents,

2020 est une année difficile. La vie de chacune et de chacun s’est vue bouleversée.

Les mélomanes ont vu concerts, opéras et festivals annulés. La Musique, comme toutes les autres activités, a subi de plein fouet cette crise sanitaire.

La SWF en a également subi les conséquences. Notre saison de conférences a été interrompue, nous n’avons pu vous proposer qu’une seule conférence, par notre ami Sami Habra. La crise sanitaire n’a pas été la seule en cause, les grèves des transports nous ont également affectés.

Formons des vœux pour que les conditions soient réunies afin de reprendre une saison normale dès le mois d’octobre prochain.

Toutefois, nous avons tenu à continuer à faire vivre la SWF. Nous vous avons proposé, en téléchargement, la Pastorale de 1944.

Nous reprendrons contact avec vous dès le début du mois septembre pour vous présenter la rentrée.

La SWF vous souhaite un bon été et, surtout, une bonne santé.


31 May 2020

We have written in these columns about the two big boxsets released over the past year that have been devoted to Furtwängler: that produced by the Berlin Philharmonic comprising the totality of his recordings from 1939 to 1945, and the compilation made by Universal from all the recordings that label has released over many years: its own recordings (Polydor, DG, Decca) and recordings made just about everywhere. There are of course overlaps between these two boxsets.

It is always of interest to have various points of view. One of our American members, Gary Galo, is a specialist in Furtwängler recordings. For this reason we are publishing the two articles he wrote for the ARSC Journal, the magazine of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections.

One is devoted to the BPO boxset
The other to the Universal boxset
They have taken their place in our Newsletters.

The articles are in English, yet we think they can be readily understood by all our members.

25 May 2020

One of our members has quite rightly asked us to offer, for printing, a cover and a back with each download, so they can be used with a jewel box, if one should want to make a CD copy from a downloaded file.

This is the result. The corresponding PDF, with guide lines for cutting, has been included in the SWF D08.

In future we shall make available the same elements for earlier releases.

22 May 2020

Confinement has ended, but not the security measures!

The effect on the activities of the SWF: deliveries have started up again after several weeks when our stockroom was closed. Rejoice and be happy all you who were impatiently waiting for your orders!

We take advantage of this message to remind everyone that the latest Japanese double album (Beethoven / RAI / Rome)is available on subscription until 31 May, the last date for orders. So… don’t lose out!

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